Tuesday, February 11

Learn to Program Your Altera FPGA – Technology Magazine


Design software that is able to adapt to the specific design needs of each user. Altera Quartus II is a Altera Quartus II design application provides solutions for each of the CPLD as well as FPGA designs. This guide will teach you how to design the Altera FPGA.
The very first thing to complete when programming the Altera FPGA is to set up the Quartus software, and then upload it to your Altera Cyclone FPGA.
How to set up Quartus Software:
1. The Quartus icon is located on your desktop.
2. The Quartus File tab, click on New Project Wizard.
3. Create a parent drive on the flash drive and create a child directory within it that will house the specific laboratory. The folders should be given a name.
4. The computer will prompt you to upload files. Don’t add any file. Go to Next.
5. Select the board you will be using.
6. If the system asks you for EDA tools, click Next.
7. Finalize the setup.
After you have completed the set-up then it’s time making the design programmer for the hardware board. For an in-depth guide, see the link below.

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